The technique utilizes specific protocols to detect spinal joint dysfunction, analyze leg length inequality, identify issues with body mechanics, and test neurological reflexes. Restoring spinal balance effectively and gentle nature, the Activator Method has grown to become the world’s most widely-used instrument chiropractic technique. Incorporating the latest advances in orthopedic, neurological and chiropractic examinations, this unique system of administering spinal adjustments using research-based analysis and the Activator Adjusting Instrument can help restore spinal balance safely and comfortably.

The technique has been used safely on patients of all ages since the late 1960s, bringing relief to people with a variety of health concerns. The Activator Chiropractic Technique is a gentle, low-force approach to chiropractic care. Thismeans that patients who are treated by an Advanced Proficiency chiropractor can be confident that their doctor has the latest knowledge, tools, and resources for their care. Well, it is the highest honor bestowed on a chiropractor whose goal is to serve patients with a thorough chiropractic analysis at every visit and to treat patients with research-tested low-force chiropractic adjustments.Īctivator Methods only bestows Advanced Proficiency Ratings on doctors who demonstrate knowledge of the technique through written and practical testing, who are committed to using the Activator Methods technique to serve patients, and who continue their education in the Activator Method on an annual basis. What does it mean if a chiropractor is rated as "Advanced Proficiency" with Activator Methods International?