Using GCC compiler in the Terminal window For example, clang test.c creates a.out as executable.If no output file name is used, a.out is used as an output file.The code to compile would become clang test.c -o test.Let us say the code is written in the test.c file, and the output executable should be test.clang -o can be used to compile a C code.InstalledDir: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin Command-line tools install various compilers like Clang and GCC, which will be explained in the next sections.Īpple clang version 13.0.Once Xcode is installed, open a terminal window and enter Xcode-select -install, which installs command line developer tools.Xcode can be installed via App Store on Mac.Xcode is an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) developed by Apple.In the following sections, we will discuss different C compilers that can be used on MAC. IDE can be anything like Sublime text, Xcode, etc. Getting started on compilingįor compiling C code on Mac, we would need an IDE(Integrated Development Environment) which can be used to write code, and a compiler to compile the written code. The executable created for one platform can only be executed on that platform.

Online C compilers compile C code and create an executable according to the platform. That is the reason for the size difference.Ĭ code can be written on any platform like Mac, Windows, etc. Whereas the size of the executable on Mac is 49 KB !!! Can you guess why there is a difference in size between C code and executable? The compiler takes care of loading stdio.h code and all the required code that is needed to run into an executable. Can you guess the size of the above C code and the executable it generates?Ĭ code only took 71 bytes to be stored. Click on the play button and it will execute that code and print the data on console below.Mac C compilers convert a C code to an executable that can be run directly. It will create a main.cpp file with some default code. Click on Next and save the project in a folder. Give a Product Name, Select the Team and check the language as C++. Select Command line Tool from the project selection menu.Open XCode after the installation is done and install other command line tools if it prompts. Go to the App Store and download XCode to install it. You need to download XCode if it is not installed.Steps to run a C++ program in XCode:įollow the steps below to run a C++ program in XCode: In this post, we will learn how to use XCode to run a C++ program. If you are using a Mac then you can use XCode to run a C++ program.