We use multiplication regularly in every day life, and a student who doesn't know how to multiple will struggle as an adult to calculate everyday problems like sales tax, restaurant tips or buying in quantity.

Some educators argue that these classes introduce electronic calculators making recall of multiplication facts anachronistic, however just basic intuition about the reasonableness of multiplication products is critical to understanding both concepts and wether an answer to a problem is appropriate (or the mistaken result of missing a key punching numbers into a calculator). Even the most basic physics class will use multiplication regularly. In other subjects, especially the physical sciences, multiplication plays a role in solving problems. Without fast recall of multiplication facts, these skills are extremely challenging. Manipulating equations in algebra, long division, fractions and even basic geometry all rely on a student's ability to quickly multiply or factor numbers (essentially "reversing" multiplication) to solve problems. In math alone, many skills require mastery of the multiplication table. However, there are a number of compelling reasons why memorizing the multiplication chart is contributes meaningfully to a student's success in math and many other subjects. It used to be pretty uncontroversial to suggest that all grade school students should memorize their multiplication tables, but with the rise of "new math" in many school systems this principle is often questioned.

Is It Important to Memorize the Multiplication Tables? Find a chart suitable for your kids current level of fact memorization, print it out and keep it on hand.especially when you are just starting multi-digit multiplication. As we're learning multiplication facts, having a complete multiplication chart around can be a bridge to success in all areas of mathematics. Without times table mastery, more advanced math topics are infinitely more challenging. Memorizing the multiplication facts is one of the most important math skills we can teach our kids.

Earth Day Printable Multiplication Charts